This 5 week course, incorporates every element of fitness, including a balance of cardio, resistance, flexibility and endurance training done in the form of games and skills especially for ages 6-8 years.
Cheerleading boosts confidence and self-esteem, and encourages trust and team work even at such a young age. The group will learn simple motions which will be incorporated into a pompom dance performance, some aspect’s of Level 1 Gymnastics, and prep level stunts will also be included in the course.
Being a cheerleader develops social skills and determination, but most of all it is so much fun.
What we cover in this course:
- The Motions
- Kicks and Jumps
- Simple formations and Timing
- Basic Level 1 Gymnastics and Stunts (Prep Level)
- Cheers and Chants
- Safe Stretching
- Team work
- Putting it all together